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Unipartner's Annual Company Meeting 2022

Lisbon, more specifically Belém, was the point of departure of the Portuguese caravels towards a world of opportunities, a landmark in Portugal's history.

It was also in Belém that we held Unipartner’s Annual Company Meeting! Here, we were able to gather and share with our team what drives us to sail with such certainty in a world surrounded by uncertainties and challenges. It was a day where we celebrated our achievements of 2021 and took the opportunity to project the future.

Unipartner's growth has been steady and, above all, sustainable. It's thanks to our teams from different areas, both in Lisbon and Madeira, and the way they interconnect and seek to know our customers, that we are who we are today. To demonstrate the importance of communication and human interaction, we welcomed Alexandre Monteiro. Our team loved his keynote and it was a huge success!

However, we do not sail this sea of opportunities alone. It’s also thanks to our great partners, such as Microsoft, that we were able to achieve amazing results throughout this last year. So, it was with great honor and pride that we welcomed Andres Ortolá, General Manager at Microsoft Portugal, to our event where he explored how companies are looking at their leaderships to move forward and the importance of having good strategic business partners like Unipartner.

A special thanks to everyone involved in making this event happen!


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