CHU São João and Luz Saúde were the winners of Unipartner's Digital Innovation Challenge!

Innovation Management is a key accelerator to improve productivity and provide clients the best experience.
Digital Innovation Challenge, an initiative organized by Unipartner and Microsoft, aimed to accelerate a digital innovation culture in organizations.
Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João and Luz Saúde were the winners of the challenge and are now ready to embark on a journey to improve the management of innovative processes with Unipartner and Microsoft.
From widely diverse industries, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, Instituto de Informática, Luz Saúde, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Rovensa and Vieira de Almeida, accepted this challenge and excelled with their participation and ideas.
If you would like your organization to participate in the next challenge edition, contact us by sending an e-mail to
Read more about Digital Innovation Challenge here (content in Portuguese):