Unipartner at Portugal Smart Cities Summit 2021! Register for our sessions

Imagine living in a Smart city, where Mobility, Digital and Sustainability converge to provide citizens with a higher quality of life, create business opportunities and contribute to a greener future.
Portugal Smart Cities 2021, a Fundação AIP initiative, is happening November 16th-18th at FIL on a hybrid format. The event approaches challenges, trends and solutions of a Smart ecosystem to debate the future of cities and those who live in it.
Unipartner will be at SmartCities 2021 with 4 sessions that you will be able to watch in-person or online:
Fernando Reino da Costa on the “Digital Economy – Digital Nomads” panel on Nov 16th at 12:15pm
Nuno Alves with “Digital Interaction with the Citizen” on Nov 16th at 3:30pm
Nuno Alves with “eGovernment maturity to support transformation” on Nov 17th at 12pm
Pedro Araújo with “Road to a successful cybersecurity strategy” on Nov 17 at 12pm
Tiago Noronha and Alexandre Antunes with “Cloud for a more digital and sustainable organization” on Nov 18th at 4pm
Register and find out more about Portugal Smart Cities here: https://portugalsmartcities.fil.pt/